How to Control and Get Rid of Henbit Weeds
Is your landscaping filled with henbit weeds? Though the United States is home to a variety of weeds, a couple of them are as common as henbit.

For those who don’t know, henbit weed is a major headache for homeowners in the United States. Why? This is because it has the capability of growing over 1-foot tall.
Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to control and get rid of henbit weeds. Aside from hiring a professional Darwin landscaping company, here are a couple of other things you can do:
What is Henbit?
First of all, let us define what henbit weed is. For those who don’t know, henbit weed (Lamium Amplexicaule) is a form of yearly weed that rises from the soil during the fall season and starts to flower in the spring season.
Henbit weed generates fuzz-covered leaves and colorful flowers when flowering.
However, henbit consumes a lot of nutrients and moisture from the soil due to its ability to grow over 1-foot tall.
Because of this, the trees, flowers, grass, and other great plants in your landscape might suffer from the lack of nutrition or the lack of moisture.
Applying Herbicide
You can obviously utilize herbicide to treat spots of your landscaping in which henbit is growing. One well-known herbicide utilized in treating henbit is 2,4-D Amine. On the other hand, you can make your own herbicide if you mix dish soap, water, and vinegar.
However, you always have to keep in mind that you’ve got to use caution when applying herbicide. It does not matter if you use homemade or store-bought herbicide. This will guarantee it does not get on the grass.
Raising the Lawnmower Blade
Raising your lawnmower blade is another way to get rid of henbit in your landscaping.
A lot of homeowners think that it is ideal to utilize the lowest blade setting. They think that it will save them energy and time. Though it is true that utilizing the lowest blade setting will lower the frequency at which you’ve got to mow the lawn, it also creates a chance for weed to grow. This includes henbit.
Henbit might rise through the soil if your grass is not tall enough. Thus, if you are worried about henbit, you have to think about raising your lawnmower blade to at least 2 inches.
Filling in Your Lawn
If you fill open spots that contain little to no grass, you can deter the growth of henbit in your lawn.
Usually, henbit grows in open spots in your lawn. Henbit will not have to compete for nutrients and moisture if there is little to no grass. Thus, it enables the weed to grow quickly.
If you do not want this to happen, you have to reseed open spots in your lawn. You can apply a mixture of seed and fertilizer to fill open spots. With this, those areas will not be vulnerable to weeds, such as henbit. If you don’t know how to fill open spots, a professional landscaping company can help.
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